Friday, April 22, 2011


Yes, that, I am.

I've officially
deactivated my Facebook
have no intention on
getting back on it
any time soon.

I really think Facebook
is getting super boring and
there's just to much negativity
happening there.

So now I'm solely devoted to
where I've met a lot of
amazing friends.

(my username or whatever
is leah_yew if you're wondering)

I'm tweeting all the time and
I love it!

So yes, I've stopped FB-ing
and honestly, I
feel like I've stopped blogging

But for some reason,
I don't miss it or anything.

Oh, and also Tumblr,
I'm on there a LOT.

(username or link or whatever

So yes, I've gone
off facebook and onto other
forms of internet entertainment.

Live, laugh, love!

#nowplaying Who Run The World- Beyonce

Saturday, April 9, 2011


When a person experiences
changes in their lives,
it's either something
they can't control or
something they chose for

For example,
if a person starts saving
money, it inevitably becomes
easier over time
and soon,
he'll see the results and
notice how much improvement
it has caused.

This leads to the person
saving money
to maintain or improve
more on his savings.

This goes for so many things.

In my case,
this worked for my skin mostly.

I don't know if you've noticed,
but I've stopped
eating any junk food
or drinking any kinds of soda
or soft drinks.

At first, it was difficult
and odd not to be eating all these
oily, sugar-y, fatty things but
about a month or two after
I started,
I've noticed the differences it's
caused in my body.

1. my skin.

This is
for me.
I can see the difference
in my skin and how it's suddenly
a lot clearer and softer.
Also to help with this,
I've stopped wearing so much
makeup on a daily basis.
All this leads to better skin,
trust me.
It doesn't happen overnight,
but it does work.

2. My body.
I'm not saying I'm
suddenly Beyonce or
Giselle Bundchen
but hey,
I can see a difference in my

Suddenly I'm not as tired
all the time and there's
less fat here and there.
No, I have no problem
talking about this on my blog
because hell,
anyone's who's seen me in real life
knows I could stand to lose some weight.


No biggie.

These are just some changes
that has been happening in my life

It may not seem like a lot to you,
but it is for me.

And like it or not,
this is my blog and I'mma
say what I want here.

Don't like it?
Don't read it.

Live, laugh, love!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

iPad2 review

I have one.


And can I just say, I LURVE IT??
I am obsessed with my iPad now.

I find it really fun to
play with and use for
notes or ebooks
or games
and all that.

But I have to say,
it's useless if you don't need it.

I like the two cameras
and they're pretty good
The videos come out kinda
weird though...
not sure why.
But yes,
I like the photobooth feature;
let's u camwhore with
an iPad!

I like the shape and
design of it;
I think
it's really sturdy and
very compact.
I don't think I'll drop it
any time soon.
*fingers crossed*

But for me,
I think the most impressive things
about the iPad2 that
really hit me
was the incredible picture quality
(as in the downloaded pics,
the ones taken with the camera),
the surprisingly loud speaker
for playing music
and the impressive battery life.

Obviously I had to get the screen protector
cover thingie too
so yeah,
I have it in blue and although
I do notice it's gets dirty easily,
it's easily cleaned so,

no harm.

And I love that the back of the
screen protector actually
the screen
whenever u close it.
Makes it so much easier to take
care of.

And I like that the back doesn't scratch
or look old quickly.

I tend to toss stuff into my
handbag so yeah....
stuff gets damaged.

Honestly, there aren't many cons
except for the fact that
although it's a nice toy and all,
it's useless for people who don't need it
or really have
a use for it.

But if you're into ebooks like I am,
then it's super useful!

I cannot wait to put some new books
into this baby!

Anyway, I like most everything about this
iPad 2
and I give props to the people at
Apple because
really never cease to impress me.

Live, laugh, love!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ignorance and Racism

I'm no beauty queen,
I'm just beautiful me.


So, everyone's talking about
Alexandra Wallace.

If you've been living under
a rock for the past few weeks,


the link to the video.

This may piss you off.
It pissed me off and now
I'm blogging about it.

So this girl,
Alexandra Wallace isn't
racist if you ask me;

just stupid
and ignorant.

She clearly was NEVER taught
what Asian people are really like.

For all my Asian friends out there,
we know why we all have such
strong family values;
because we were raised that way.

That's our culture and people should
understand that.

We need to accept that humans fear what
they do not understand.

Like, we take off our
shoes before entering someone's
home because that's seen
as respectful here.
But speaking as someone
who has both sides in her,
people don't do that in America.

And I've seen some racist Asians too,
people who say that Westerners have
no respect for their
families and are not as polite and all.
So I've felt both kinds of racism.

And I feel like it's not just Caucasians
who are racist,
African Americans,
they can all be racist too.

Or ignorant.
And it is the saddest thing
because some people remain ignorant
their whole lives.

So please,
if you know someone who's
racist or ignorant like
this girl,
teach them.
Because eventually violence will
ensue and although it would
be satisfying at the time,
it won't solve anything.

Show people who are ignorant
the reasons why your culture does
that and hope that they get it.

If not,
you tried your best.

You don't have to be Asian
to fight for Asians.

And you don't have to be Caucasian
to teach others about their culture.

Some people are just so ignorant
it makes me wanna cry.

we are all born the same way,
we all need the same things.
If you cut me, do I not bleed?
If I cut you, do you not bleed?

live, laugh, love

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I think I wanna marry you! ;)

Wow, it's been a while huh?

I've been super busy
trial preparations.

Yes, I actually study.

So....what's new? :)
I don't even know.

Umm, CAL Senior Prom
is coming up!

Guess who's excited?!

The guys...

literally, the guys in our little
are more into it that the
girls I think.


Okay, I may be exaggerating
a bit but trust me,

they're just as into it as we are!

Other than that,
nothing much has been happening.

My sister and her family are coming
to Malaysia next week and
I couldn't be more excited!
I cannot wait to see my
adorable niece and nephew.
They really are the cutest things.

She'll also be bringing me
nice gift from the US.
If she can get her hands on it, that is.
So yeah, fingers crossed!

Anyway, that's about it for my lil update.
I know, I'm boring.

live, laugh, love

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Facts about MOST women #1

~The compliment, insult battle~

I'mma break it down for you.
Girls are like this,
you can tell us we're
beautiful, intelligent, stunning, gorgeous, funny, sweet,
attractive, stimulating, sexy, hot and
all that good stuff.

And yes, we'll hear it and
yes, we'll enjoy it even if
we pretend not to believe it
and act all shy.

here's the scary twist
every guy should watch out for;
the insult.

In a sea of millions of

you say one little negative thing and trust me,
that's what we'll never let you
live down.

Most girls just work that way,
whether you like it or not.

We appreciate the sweet things
you say and it definitely makes us
feel better,
but it's those things
we don't wanna hear that
stick with us
for life.

True story.

~The obsessing game~

women tend to overthink

shocker huh??

We spend hours
analyzing, contemplating, deducting and examining

a guy does.

Really, I'm not kidding.

Just the word 'Hey'
can send us into hours of
endless obsessing.

Why do we do it?
We're not too sure honestly.
But that's women
(for the most part)
and that's just how we do it.
And that's why I think
people say that

relationships come to you when you're not looking;

because most of the time,
you're looking and obsessing
so much
that even two months
without a boyfriend,
it feels like ages.

But when you've got other things
on your mind,
it just kinda creeps up on you.

So ladies, obsess a little less.

Guys really don't mean anything when they say 'hey'

Friday, February 4, 2011

Riding Solo

Being in a couple and
all is nice, I'm sure.
But I'm riding solo
and you know what?
It's okay.
Because I'm ridin solo
with these hotties.


Friday, January 28, 2011

Singles' Awareness Day

Yes, it's that time of

Oh joy of joys.
Valentine's Day
is coming up again.
Not that I'm complaining;
after 18 years of watching
couples act all mushy during
VDay, I'm used to it.

This post is for all the girls
or women
who are spending this Valentine's Day
There's nothing wrong with that!
Hell, I've had so much fun just hanging
with people who matter to me on VDay,
no need for some 'special guy'.

So please, for 2011,
(since the world is supposed
to end next year right?)

just have fun.
Don't sit at home and whine about
how you have
'no man in your life'
Hell, if you want flowers and
chocolate that damned badly
go out and buy yourself some!
Just go out and spend this VDay
with your friends, your family,
Just go out and have fun with them,
spend time with them,
show them they're special to you
and I promise you,
it won't be a bad day.

Live, laugh, love!

p.s. If you get really bored
with you girlfriends,
go hit up a strip club!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Girl's got a love like WHOA!

Love so strong,
then you moved on.

This one's for an
best friend of mine.

you didn't need that kinda
Just move on,
take your time,
but move on.
Eventually, you'll realize
that this was in
no way
your fault nor did you
do anything wrong.
You're amazing and sweet and funny
and beautiful
and awesome (duhh)
so why bother with guys like this?

I know it'll take time,
but I'll always be here.
I'm always available to listen
and no,
I'll never get tired or sick of listening
to you.
Because they're not just words...
they're your words.
And they matter to me.

Please, let your heart heal and
we can hit out strip club!
With the refillable drinks.

Live, laugh, love!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Love in the 21st century....

Be it unfair of me to
the 'polite
one might find nowadays,
I feel the need to scream out,
where the heck are all
the gentlemen?!?!

In my 18 years of living
I can't say I've found a
whole lot of em.
I can barely say I've found
but I'll give credit where it's due;
I have met some guys who
were extremely polite and understood
how to treat women the right way.

I've noticed lately that men or
rarely actually do much to get a
woman or girl.
When a man was interested in
a woman in the 1800s,
he went to her home,
visited her family,
needed to be approved of
by the father or eldest brother
and had to prove he was worthy
of the woman.
Now when a guy wants to
show interest in a girl,
he adds her on facebook,
he writes on her wall,
he likes her photos
and he leaves random comments
on things.
What happened to courtship?
When a woman's honor and
hand in marriage were
so precious,
men were killed when
violating them.
Hell, back then,
you were shot dead just from
kissing a woman you had no
interest in eventually marrying.
Although things are much
more relaxed and liberal now,
I can't help wishing that
every now and then,
a guy from around here would show
such care and precision in
a woman's feelings and
her rights.
Yes yes, it's true that women
can do almost anything men can,
but sometimes we just
want to be treated like women.

Every now and then,
we want to be swept off our feet
because heels ain't comfortable honey!


Live, laugh, love!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Racism rant

Racism happens everywhere you go.
There are no countries where there
just isn't any
racism because unfortunately,
we're raised to be little racist

I know so many people who will
say they're not racist but deep down,
they really are.

It's sad and somewhat annoying how
these people preach and
preach about not being racist when
next thing you know,
they're laughing at some dense ass
Asian joke or whatever.

Dude, get your shit straight!

Racism ain't a joke anymore.
people dying
out there due to
dumb ass racists who can't stand
the fact that some people
are of a different colour.

Tell me,
what's so scary about a
girl with smaller eyes?
Or a guy with tanned skin?

What about that is so damned

Who the hell cares if they don't speak
the same language?
Or believes in a different way of
worshiping God?

I can honestly say
I have best friends of so many races
and I don't see a difference.
We all laugh at the same jokes,
we all talk about the same things and
we all learn from each other.

What is so bad about that?

I have an Indian bestie who taught me
how to dance traditional Indian style!

I have a Malay bestie who taught me how
to eat with my hands!

I have a Chinese bestie who showed me
how to do tricks with a fan!

I have an American bestie who taught me
how to make friggin sushi!

Why the hell should I hate people like them?

You give me one benefit racism gives us.

The way the world is now,
we all need each other.
We need friends from all around the
world because there are so many
intelligent people nowadays.

What I think makes someone

Someone who knows a lot about people
of different cultures!
Someone who respects everyone
no matter their skin colour or hair colour!
Someone who can tell me something
I didn't know about the
Mosuo Tribe in China!
Or about the ancient Egyptians!

These are the people who
get my respect.

You can be book smart all you want
but if you still can't be friends or
find ways to connect with another
genius Asians or Africans,
you another dense ass.

Learn to look at the person and
not their race.

Don't judge a book by it's cover?

don't judge a race by their colour!


Live, laugh, love!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Offered a writing job?? 0.0

I was offered a job
to write pieces and
all for cash.
It's funny because I am
interested in writing and it's
definitely something
I do often but I dunno,
I guess I'm just a little busy
with A Levels as it is
so I told em that
maybe when I'm doing
my degree as a part time thing.
But thank you soooooooo
much for the offer!
I'm flattered!

p.s. can't mention who the 'them'
was due to privacy and confidentiality

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Smile for me

There are going to be days when all
you wanna do is sit down and
feel bad.

There are those days when you feel
horrible about yourself,
no matter how beautiful,
or incredible you are.

There are people out there who
will want to hurt you and
you are constantly hoping
you'll fail at everything you do.

But for every day you want to feel bad,
there are a thousand days when you
wanna have fun.

And for every day you feel bad about
there are a thousand things that really
are amazing and special about you.

And for every person who wants you
to fail in life and be miserable,
there's a thousand friends wishing
you nothing but the best.

These days, feelings and people
will come and go.
The trick is to go on with life
and never give up.
We've all been there and there's
no guarantee that those days,
feelings and people
won't come again but hey,
that's how life goes.
Nothing worth fighting for
comes to you without a fight.
That's why it's worth fighting for,
so you know when to appreciate
days, feelings and people
who make you feel good about yourself
and no matter what,
just want to look at you and say,

'It'll all be okay.
Smile for me.'

Postponed Singapore pics

I know I should have had the pictures
up a realllllyyyyy long time ago
and I really am SO SO sorry!!!
I promise to have them up asap but
I lost the transfer thing
that I'd been using to download
the pictures
from my DSLR to my MacBook....
I promise to buy another one tomorrow!!
...I think...

I feel horrible admitting this but...
I am the SLOWEST person on Earth!!
I am sure that all of you have heard of
Quest Crew,
the all Asian American dance crew?
They won America's Best Dance Crew
or something
I think?
yes, I've
only recently
fallen in love with them...
yes, I am that slow.
I know they've been around for a while
and a popular youtube makeup guru
is actually dating one of them so I
have started being a fan a
time ago but yeah,
better late than never?
So yes,
like most fan girls,
I do have a favourite member but
I am SOOOO not sharing that!
It's private.
But yes, for those of you who
were living under a bigger rock
than me please give me the
address of the rock you've been
living under so I can send you some
awesome videos of Quest Crew!!!
Okay, that made no sense but whatever!

Everything else is pretty standard;
nothing else happening really.


Live, laugh, love!